Thursday, October 29, 2009

BBC Off-Day

Today marked the first time BBC loosened its strict rules on always sitting behind. To put it in another way, it was one of those rare occasions where BBC would suddenly choose to sit in the lower tier of the lecture hall apart from the usual twice-a-month BBC "Sit-in-front" Day.

Nevertheless, in keeping true to the BBC spirit, its members did not foray to much into the front portion - choosing to still sit in the upper half of the lower tier.

BBC Off-days are one of a kind - only applicable during special circumstances with the discretion of the President who would wield his Kuasa Veto in making such a decision.

The highlight of today was, however, the Clinical Scenario lecture by Dr. BK Lim. It was one of the most enjoyable lectures that we ever had. You feel that sense of close-to-home reality listening to his way of presentation.

When you want to say to someone that he is an idiot, you don't say, "You idiot!!"
Rather, you should say, "You ARE SUCH AN IDIOT!!"
This was just to underline the point to give complete answers and statements.
For instance, in answering questions, one does not say, "Clavicle." or "Pnemonia"
But rather, one should say, "Left clavicle". or "Pnemonia of the right lower zone"

Some highlights:
Monophonic wheezing - caused by obstruction of a single airway
Polyphonic wheezing - caused by multiple airway obstruction
Pleuritic chest pain (pleurisy) - friction of lungs rubbing against pleural during inspiration and expiration

Analogy of accumulation of fluid in pleural space:
The skin of the orange is like the skin, subcutaneous fat and muscles.
The flesh of the orange is like the lungs.
Imagine fluid accumulating in between the small space of the skin and the flesh of oranges.

Chest Radiograph:
Extended lungs - 10th rib visible
Right border of hear, right side of diaphgram can't be seen - consolidation of right lower zone of lungs

Anyway, the question for the day:
Is low PO2 or high PCO2 worse?

By the way, hypercapnic patients would usually go into coma, while hypoxic patients would be disillusioned.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Koko System (translated)

Since we are a super smart, super cool organization, we should change the views people have towrds students of the medical faculty - WE ARE NOT BOOK WORMS!! Our koko is not less active too...thus, I shall introduce our koko system...our koko system is mainly about "going down the mountain" - whoever goes "down the hill" more frequently will have higher koko marks...(going down hill includes outings and other activities, as long as he/she doesn't stay put in 6th college).

Whoever always stays on the mountain, means that he is a nerd. The most NERDy member would be at the receiving end of our feared punishment......for instance: (we shall think about that later)

How do we prove this? Very simple - humans have an innate desire to take photos. As such, we shall use photos as evidence - the one who is least tagged in photos is the nerdiest.
Moreover, if anyone from BBC manage to "hook up" girls from other faculties (those who are already NA are not counted), he will be rewarded with a Kuasa Veto title...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Our Officers

Lee Cun Han
President (Kuasa Veto)

Andy Ko Tze Yang
Vice President (Kuasa Veto)

Francis Teh
Secretary (Kuasa Veto)

Lee Jia Jian
Treasurer (Kuasa Veto)

Dominic Bopulas

Lee Qin Zhi

Chua Chia Sheen
5th year rep

Ruth Cheng Tsin En

Fiona Liew
Female rep

Tan Joo Sheng

Soh Lin Seong

Benjamin Teh Wee Chuan

Tan Yi Xiang

James Lee

Lai Yin Wen

Koko System

既然我们是一个超炫又超帅的团体,我们就应该改变其他人对medic fac 的看法,我们不是书虫!!我们的koko 也是一不赖的。。。所以,我将介绍我们的koko system....我们koko system 最主要就是下山,谁下山最多,koko 分数就越高。。。(下山包括outing 或其他活动,只要不留在6th college 就可以了。

谁天天留在山上,就代表他是nerd,最nerd 的那位会员,即将受到我们严厉处分。。。。例如:(以后才想)


还有,如果BBC 有人追到别的fac 的女生(NA的不算),就可以获得Kuasa veto 做为奖励。。。。。

How It Started...The History

"we sacrifice ourself sit behind , 我们很伟大"
Back Benchers' Club (or BBC for short) was the brainchild of Founding President Lee Cun Han during one of his routine walks to the lecture hall. Despite criticisms that this club would only be a fantasy, his outreach to the very few pioneers was a hit with the club expanding rapidly to a current membership of 23.

Listed below is the order of the pioneer members who joined BBC:
001 Lee Cun Han
002 Francis Teh
003 Lee Jia Jian
004 Tan Joo Sheng
005 Dominic Bopulas
006 Andy Ko & Soh Lin Seong
007 Lee Qin Zhi

We, the BBC members have great plans for the future. Under the charismatic leadership of President Lee Cun Han, we will reach great heights and initiate a paradigm shift for a better and fun-filled future.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


We shall now call upon the President to post his inaugural speech...